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UpdateUserAccess Structure

**BETA** A structure that contains a users access or permissions meta data.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: AppOne.Services.V2.Contracts
Assembly: AppOne.Web.Service (in AppOne.Web.Service.dll) Version: 1.0.141
public struct UpdateUserAccess

The UpdateUserAccess type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCode exampleKioskPunchingAllowed Returns true if a user is allowed to clock/in out through the web kiosk
Public propertyCode exampleMobileClockInOutAllowed Returns true if a user is allowed to clock in/out through a mobile device
Public propertyCode exampleMobileEnforceIPPolicies Returns true if an Enforce IP Access policies on mobile web is enabled
Public propertyCode exampleMobileGeolocPunchTrack Returns true if geo-location of a punch is enabled for the mobile web interface
Public propertyCode exampleMobileGeolocPunchTrackOnly Returns true if a user is required to report geo-location before punching in the mobile web interface
Public propertyCode exampleMobilePunchingAllowed Returns true if a user is allowed to login through a mobile device
Public propertyCode exampleWebPunchingAllowed Returns true if a user is allowed to clock/in out through the web interface
Public propertyCode exampleWebSystemAccessAllowed Returns true if a user is allowed to access any web interface
A structure that contains a users access or permissions meta data.

Note  Note
Manager > Employees > Access Tab
For example code see GetUserDetail(GetUserDetailIn)
See Also