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GetUserTimeOffBalanceModel Class

This class is the model for retrieving user time off balance information
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: AppOne.Services.V2.Contracts
Assembly: AppOne.Web.Service (in AppOne.Web.Service.dll) Version: 1.0.141
public class GetUserTimeOffBalanceModel

The GetUserTimeOffBalanceModel type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCode exampleAccruedSeconds Gets the total accrued seconds for the time off balance
Public propertyCode exampleAdjustmentSeconds Gets the total adjustment seconds for the time off balance
Public propertyCode exampleAvailableBalanceSeconds Gets the total available balance seconds for a users time off balance
Public propertyCode exampleEmpIdentifier Gets the Employee Number/Identifier assigned to a user
Public propertyCode exampleGrantedSeconds Gets the total available granted seconds for a users time off balance
Public propertyCode exampleIsRollover Gets the status that determines if the time off balance has roll over seconds
Public propertyCode examplePayType Gets the pay type that is associated with this time off balance request
Public propertyCode examplePayTypeCode Gets the pay type code that is associated with this time off balance request
Public propertyCode examplePayTypeEndDate Gets the pay type end date for the associated pay type
Public propertyCode examplePayTypeID Gets the pay type id that is associated with this time off balance request
Public propertyCode examplePayTypeIsDeleted Gets the status that determines if this pay type as been flagged as deleted
Public propertyCode examplePayTypeStartDate Gets the pay type start date for the associated pay type
Public propertyCode exampleProjectedBalanceSeconds Gets the total available projected balance seconds for a users time off balance
Public propertyCode exampleRolloverSecs Gets the total available rollover seconds for a users time off balance
Public propertyCode exampleTimeOffPolicyDetailEndDate Gets the pay type end date for the associated time-off-policy-detail
Public propertyCode exampleTimeOffPolicyDetailID Gets the time-off-policy-detail id that is associated with this time off balance request
Public propertyCode exampleTimeOffPolicyDetailIsDeleted Gets the status that determines if this time-off-policy-detail as been flagged as deleted
Public propertyCode exampleTimeOffPolicyDetailStartDate Gets the pay type start date for the associated time-off-policy-detail
Public propertyCode exampleUsedSeconds Gets the total available used seconds for a users time off balance
This class is the model for retrieving user time off balance information.

See Also